Interface QGBaseIntf

All Known Implementing Classes:
QAction, QActionBean, QBody, QComment, QCookieValue, QCSS, QCustomQuery, QDateType, QDefault, QFloatType, QForm, QFormElement, QFormValue, QGBase, QIntType, QIsAbsent, QIsPresent, QLastModifiedID, QLink, QLinkRef, QLiteralText, QLiteralValue, QLocation, QOptions, QPage, QPageRef, QParameter, QParameterValue, QQuery, QQueryParameter, QQueryString, QRequiredIf, QSessionValue, QSite, QStringType, QStyle, QSubmit, QTitle, QType, QURLParameter, QURLType, QClassName, QStoredProcedure, QRedirect, QQueryResult, QQueryValue, QBooleanType, QBLOBType

public interface QGBaseIntf

Method Summary
 void endElement(java.lang.String tagName, com.jxml.quick.QContext outputContext)
          Method called at the end of a Quick transformation.
 java.util.ArrayList getAllXChildren()
          get a list of all the objects corresponding to XML children
 QGBaseIntf getXParent()
          get the XML parent for this object
 void print( pw)
          print a summary of this object
 void print( pw, java.lang.String indent)
          print a summary of this object
 void setXParent(QGBaseIntf obj)
          set the XML parent for this object
 void setXParentLinks()
          set the XML parents of the children to this object

Method Detail


public void print( pw,
                  java.lang.String indent)
print a summary of this object


public void print( pw)
print a summary of this object


public void setXParent(QGBaseIntf obj)
set the XML parent for this object


public QGBaseIntf getXParent()
get the XML parent for this object


public void setXParentLinks()
set the XML parents of the children to this object


public void endElement(java.lang.String tagName,
                       com.jxml.quick.QContext outputContext)
                throws com.jxml.quick.QPE
Method called at the end of a Quick transformation. Can be used to check integrity.


public java.util.ArrayList getAllXChildren()
get a list of all the objects corresponding to XML children